Park Way

Brasília: 64 Anos de História, Memórias e Celebração!

Olá, Cerratenses!

É com imenso orgulho e alegria que prestamos nossa homenagem à nossa amada Brasília, que neste ano de 2024 completa gloriosos 64 anos de história! Este marco não só nos enche de gratidão, mas também nos permite refletir sobre as incríveis histórias e memórias que permeiam cada pedaço desse sonho realizado.

Neste contexto de celebração, é impossível não mencionar figuras emblemáticas como o arquiteto João Luiz Valim Batelli, atualmente brilhando como gerente de Obras no Country Club-BCC e no Instituto Chico Mendes. Suas narrativas, compartilhadas com entusiasmo no Cerrado Experience, nos transportam ao passado glorioso, relembrando nosso querido presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, sua comitiva e os visionários que transformaram o projeto do “50 em 5” em uma realidade palpável. Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer e Israel Pinheiro são nomes que ecoam em nossos corações, deixando-nos com memórias inesquecíveis.

A grandiosidade de Brasília não reside apenas em sua arquitetura singular, mas também na riqueza de sua diversidade e no brilho de cada região que compõe nossa amada nação. Aqui, somos mais do que uma simples capital; somos um mosaico de culturas, ideias e sonhos, refletindo o melhor do Brasil em cada esquina.

Ao contemplarmos a majestade urbana de Brasília, somos lembrados da harmonia entre o moderno e o natural, entre o concreto e a vegetação exuberante de seus jardins. É uma cidade que nos acolhe e nos conecta com a essência primordial da natureza, mesmo em meio à agitação urbana.

Durante nossas conversas com Batelli, fomos presenteados com preciosas memórias, tesouros que preservam a essência desse verdadeiro museu a céu aberto que é Brasília.

Convido a todos a se juntarem a nós nessa celebração e compartilharem suas próprias histórias e experiências. Sigam-nos nas redes sociais para continuarmos essa troca de conhecimento e emoções @cerradoexperience


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With immense pride and joy, we pay tribute to our beloved Brasília, which this year, 2024, celebrates glorious 64 years of history! This milestone not only fills us with gratitude but also allows us to reflect on the incredible stories and memories that permeate every piece of this realized dream.


In this context of celebration, it is impossible not to mention emblematic figures like architect João Luiz Valim Batelli, currently shining as Works Manager at the Country Club-BCC and the Chico Mendes Institute. His narratives, shared with enthusiasm at the Cerrado Experience, transport us to the glorious past, reminding us of our dear president Juscelino Kubitschek, his entourage, and the visionaries who turned the ’50 in 5′ project into a palpable reality. Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer, and Israel Pinheiro are names that echo in our hearts, leaving us with unforgettable memories.


The grandeur of Brasília lies not only in its unique architecture but also in the richness of its diversity and the brilliance of each region that composes our beloved nation. Here, we are more than just a capital; we are a mosaic of cultures, ideas, and dreams, reflecting the best of Brazil on every corner.


As we contemplate Brasília’s urban majesty, we are reminded of the harmony between the modern and the natural, between the concrete and the lush vegetation of its gardens. It is a city that welcomes us and connects us with the primordial essence of nature, even amidst urban hustle and bustle.


During our conversations with Batelli, we were gifted with precious memories, treasures that preserve the essence of this true open-air museum that is Brasília.


I invite everyone to join us in this celebration and share their own stories and experiences. Follow us on social media to continue this exchange of knowledge and emotions @cerradoexperience.


For more itineraries, visit With immense pride and joy, we pay tribute to our beloved Brasília, which this year, 2024, celebrates glorious 64 years of history! This milestone not only fills us with gratitude but also allows us to reflect on the incredible stories and memories that permeate every piece of this realized dream.


In this context of celebration, it is impossible not to mention emblematic figures like architect João Luiz Valim Batelli, currently shining as Works Manager at the Country Club-BCC and the Chico Mendes Institute. His narratives, shared with enthusiasm at the Cerrado Experience, transport us to the glorious past, reminding us of our dear president Juscelino Kubitschek, his entourage, and the visionaries who turned the ’50 in 5′ project into a palpable reality. Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer, and Israel Pinheiro are names that echo in our hearts, leaving us with unforgettable memories.


The grandeur of Brasília lies not only in its unique architecture but also in the richness of its diversity and the brilliance of each region that composes our beloved nation. Here, we are more than just a capital; we are a mosaic of cultures, ideas, and dreams, reflecting the best of Brazil on every corner.


As we contemplate Brasília’s urban majesty, we are reminded of the harmony between the modern and the natural, between the concrete and the lush vegetation of its gardens. It is a city that welcomes us and connects us with the primordial essence of nature, even amidst urban hustle and bustle.


During our conversations with Batelli, we were gifted with precious memories, treasures that preserve the essence of this true open-air museum that is Brasília.


I invite everyone to join us in this celebration and share their own stories and experiences. Follow us on social media to continue this exchange of knowledge and emotions @cerradoexperience.


For more itineraries, visit

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